Thursday, March 9, 2017

Recap from Day 4 at the CFS

We began our work soon after arriving from Sky Trek. All the girls joined Trini and Mauricio and started moving large metal beams from one part of campus to another. Concurrently, all the boys joined me and Eduardo to move some wood away from the treehouse site. The latter task did not take long, and soon the boys joined up with the girls to conquer the beams. Then we painted. We ended up painting for the rest of the day. We finished with an hour to spare.

Ethan and Chris Doyle moving wood to start the day

Eduardo doing what Eduardo does - holding back a youngster defending goal to allow the other team to score (note the ball in the top left of the photo - it went in)

Eduardo doing more of what he does - here messing around with some tricky magnets

Gwen, Emma, Patricia and Trini cleaning off the beams before painting could happen

Patricia carrying a beam (note the view we had while working on them)

Eduardo giving the girls a dance lesson (spoiler alert: he's good)

Getting ready to paint

Emma showing off a very odd type of fruit

Ella beginning the painting

Felix and Trini putting on a second coat

Yes, a group shot

It's worth noting that wood was supposed to arrive Wednesday. It didn't, and it didn't arrive today either. Were it there, we would have started treating it after painting the beams. We hope to find it there tomorrow, but we won't be surprised if the supplier again fails to do his job.

After we finished painting, we filled the hour in two ways. Felix joined some students and workers for soccer. Meanwhile, I led a hike to the kiosk at the top of the forest with the rest of our crew. I've made the hike about a hundred times, as Trini and I have spent considerable time creating, fixing and extending trails with our groups. The kiosk itself is the main selling point, though, giving a scenic view of the town from high up and serving as an outdoor classroom for the school.

Our group in the kiosk

The downtown area from above, with the Pacific Ocean in the background

A view from a bit farther back

Chris Doyle taking the photo within the photo

At 3:00, the students went home to their host families to spend one last night with them. We will ride the bus to school tomorrow to spend one last morning there, working and participating in various activities. There will be a reception at 12:30 with our host families, and then once it's over, we will load our luggage onto a bus and make the trek to La Fortuna.

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